
Thursday, May 19, 2011

How to Post a Comment

Hello Friends!
Thank you for all of your support! It's been brought to my attention that it has been difficult for some to comment on this blog, so I'm going to try and help you out. To comment you need to have a Google account, a LiveJournal, an AIM account, WordPress, TypePad, or OpenID. I don't know what Word Press, Type Pad or Open ID are, so I will explain how to comment without one of those. And for those of you who have Live Journal, you probably already know how to comment.

AIM is AOL instant messaging, and I know some of you guys have that. What you would do, in that case, is go to the post you would like to comment on, click "comment" and then write a comment. To post that comment, you use the drop down menu where it says "comment as" and select AIM. It will then ask you to sign into your AOL account. Once you enter your screen name and password, it will ask you if you would like to share this information with the blogger. Click "yes," otherwise it wont let you post the comment :).

If you do not have an AOL account, then you will need to make a Google account. Follow the same steps as above, except for when you open the drop down menu, click Google Account. There is an option to create a Google account. You do not have to change your email address. It is not asking you to create a Gmail account. When you go to "Make a Google account," it asks you for your e-mail address, a password, a display name, and your birthday. It's really just creating a blogger account. If you want to make a separate Gmail account, I guess you could do that, too, but it's probably more of a hassle check two e-mail addresses instead of just one.

I hope this helped clear up the confusion! Thank you again for all of the support :). I am really loving all of this feedback! If there are still questions, feel free to e-mail me at Just for future reference, you can also find my e-mail address by clicking the picture of me. It will take you to my account page and under the "contact" section, there is an "e-mail" button. Thanks again!


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