
Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Murder: Black Birds in Progress

I am trying to make as many of these birds as I  can before the CCACA ceramics conference at the end of April. Last year's conference was amazing to visit. I was attending Ventura College at the time and we did not participate in the Student Show. Now I am attending CSU Channel Islands and this will be CI's first time showing in the Student Show. This project is an extension of  the Black Birds project I did last year. Here are some progress shots:

Master Painting

This semester, I am taking my first oil painting class. I used to think I would hate the medium, but that is just because I was never taught the proper way to use it. What a process! This was the class' first project. We had to copy a renaissance painting. Mine is a copy of a portion of The Annunciation by Gerard David.

Below is the original along with some process shots. 

Altered Bowls

A while ago, I posted a how-to guide for these bowls. They are whimsical and they get a lot of compliments. As my how-to guide shows, they are also not that difficult to make! These bowls all use the same blue-rutile glaze. Right now, I am trying to make baking dishes using the same technique.

Cups and Bowls

These are just regular bowls and cups that I made last semester, but I wanted to document the glaze combinations and shapes.