
Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Murder: Black Birds in Progress

I am trying to make as many of these birds as I  can before the CCACA ceramics conference at the end of April. Last year's conference was amazing to visit. I was attending Ventura College at the time and we did not participate in the Student Show. Now I am attending CSU Channel Islands and this will be CI's first time showing in the Student Show. This project is an extension of  the Black Birds project I did last year. Here are some progress shots:

Master Painting

This semester, I am taking my first oil painting class. I used to think I would hate the medium, but that is just because I was never taught the proper way to use it. What a process! This was the class' first project. We had to copy a renaissance painting. Mine is a copy of a portion of The Annunciation by Gerard David.

Below is the original along with some process shots. 

Altered Bowls

A while ago, I posted a how-to guide for these bowls. They are whimsical and they get a lot of compliments. As my how-to guide shows, they are also not that difficult to make! These bowls all use the same blue-rutile glaze. Right now, I am trying to make baking dishes using the same technique.

Cups and Bowls

These are just regular bowls and cups that I made last semester, but I wanted to document the glaze combinations and shapes.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Demonstration Project

Our latest project for ceramics was a Demo-Project. We had to come up with a presentation to explain to upper-division and lower-division students a technique that they might not already know. I taught the class how to alter the surface of a vessel to make it look "upholstered" with buttons. Feel free to use this demo, but let me know what you think about it in the comments!

For whatever reason, Blogger won't let me upload PDF files, so I'm stuck showing you screenshots of the PowerPoint Presentation. Check out the rest of the pictures after the jump!

New Stuff

So this is my first semester at CSU-Channel Islands, and I gotta say, I am loving it! So far we have done textiles and a demonstration project. I haven't been so good about posting regularly, sorry. To make up for it are some pictures from the past few months.

 These are some textile pieces. I basically put as many different glaze combinations on there that I could possibly keep track of.

 This is the beginnings of my demonstration project. The objective was to teach both the upper division and lower division students something clay related that could help them with either surface decoration or construction. I decided to teach everyone how to alter the form make this billowed/upholstered-look. It doesn't have to be specifically for throwing, but that is what I demonstrated with.

Here are some bisque (first) fired pieces, ready for glaze. Some of these are the fruits of my demo-project labors.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Santa Paula Art Museum Next Generation Student Show

First Museum show was tonight! The Santa Paula Art Museum was packed! What a fantastic turnout. Here is a picture from the show and the invitation. The reception was tonight, but show is until October 21st so there is still plenty of time to see all of the great student work!

 (Black Birds)